This novel is a fictional story. The ideea for her was in my mind from long time durring my night watched on the bridge on my sailings as officer, cheef mate and master. The question was if i remain alone on the vessel in the midle of the ocean can i bring her alone to a safety land? But to be alone something mast hapened to all the other crew members. If all that hapened not now when i have enough experiance as captain but as cadet on my first voyage having to solve not only tehnical problems but also to survive after vessel attaked by pirates? It is somebody able to solve all that problems and more psihological ones apeared due to lonlines and disapointment that vessel is not find by the maritime authorities? What happened with all the other crew members.? Will be able my main charater Răzvan Mândrescu to solve all this problems and to save his life, the vessel and her cargo? You can find out if he succeed or not by reading my captivant story „Alone against ocean” Captain C.